Monday, 28 January 2019

Last Infidelity

Anytime I think about some of the experiences I have had I sit back and burst into laughter and I thank God for his wisdom cause in the first place there wasn't no way I would have known.

Their new scheme/tactics, is them coming up with stuffs like I want a serious relationship that would lead to marriage. Or my last girlfriend left cause she isnt ready to settle down. Ladies if he walks up to you and tell you he broke up with his ex girlfriend be sure to do you own findings deeply, what he's looking for is his last PREY at least before he marries, trust me you don't wanna...... and the same goes to the guys, be sure to do your findings.

See ladies and gentlemen that last food you wanna eat could destroy the home you have been planning and praying to build. If you are in a relationship please stick to your woman/man. If you are planning to get married how about you stay faithful to that woman you wanna spend the rest of your life with. Do you know how many new home has been broken due to "Last infidelity" or last supper? Ladies you all be trying to go wild and crazy before you finally get married pray your last supper don't get obsessed with your sex styles or fall in love with you because if he does you are in deep trouble.

Have you ever thought or asked deeply why people divorce after 5month of being married? Yeah so many reasons of which one of them is that, the lady he slept with a month to his wedding or on his bachelor eve shows up saying she's carring his baby! Are you shocked nah, I bet you've heard that before..... Or that her first child isn't her husband's baby but the last guy she slept with before she got married.

That last supper could be the beginning of your doom, that last Infidelity could be the beginning of your suffering in your marriage. Mind you that last supper/infidelity could be the beginning of your torment and torture. Imagine your last infidelity is or was with a physco, you are finished he/she will torment you, blackmail you, drain you. Question now is do you wanna go through this emotionally torment instead of enjoying your new union?

In conclusion i advice us to quit that Last infidelity you have planned it'd only lead to your doom. I feel this message is for someone. Take heed lest you'd fall

God help us all.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Dont Be so Hard

You didn't see it coming he used you/she used you.. yeah and so what? He/she's been cheating on me, he/she broke my heart I will never trust any man/woman, Honey get a grip of your self don't be so hard on yourself. The guy I got pregnant for abandoned me, sweetheart the baby is a product of your true and genuine affection. Love the baby and be happy. I am from a broken home and it hurts me, how about you try loving your self and praying so your own home don't get broken like your parent instead of eating and beating your self up. Cut yourself some slack

No matter what you must have gone through be happy you still stand, be happy you ain't where you use to be, be happy all the hurts, pains, experience has made you a stronger and better person. I suffered to get to where I am, yeah it's alright ease up, those experience shaped you in line to what you need to be in the position you are now.

Please take your self out, you deserve it. Buy what you can afford that isn't gonna stress your pocket, you deserve it. Get a life, live the life, have fun, get a job or a hobby, do what you love doing just be happy. If you are a single mom, love your baby stresslessly and unconditionally with or without her father's presence.

You deserve to be happy don't let anyone take that away from you.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Curb your Taste

So yeah I am going to speak a harsh truth today.
Ladies and Gentlemen it is high time we do not let greed take the better part of us. It is only greed that'd make you want what you know you cannot afford and don't need. I would even say cut your coat according to your size anymore you gotta cut your coat according to your material.

Let us learn to be contented with what we have while we aspire and work toward getting or achieving more for ourselves. I am tired of hearing ladies tell me 'Gold' there was no other option or telling me I had to give in to take care of my family, excuse you there are and you had alot of options you just choose the one you felt was the easy way out. How about getting a sales girl job? How about buying and selling? How about cleaning people's houses? Oh they sound like dirty job right ok ooooo. Guys you can do factory jobs, sales boy, learn a trade there's always a way without having to settle for the bad things.

I am also tired of hearing guys say Gold I had to do what I had to do. What explanation do you give for a guy whose still under his parents custody, whose parent still fend for at age 15 even in secondary School already engaging in fraud just so he can feel among when he's with his rich friends. We all wanna be able to afford what we want but we have to also bear in mind that our taste should be in line with our financial capacity.

Yes let your taste be in accordance to your financial capacity, let what you want be in the daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly budget of what you can afford and when you can afford it. Do not throw away your destiny or future jusy for the now enjoyment. God will see us through.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Tell No One

Hey, have you noticed that when you let alot of people in on what you intend doing or what you intend achieving it flops? You got to learn the pattern that works for you. Yeah I know out of excitement we tend to tell people what we wanna do before we do it. This is me being honest with you all, tell no one what you wanna do till you have done it what ever it maybe unless of course you are married and your spouse supports you in everyway.

Do not think because they are your best friend they are always gonna be happy with all your achievements even blood envy themselves talk more of friends. The truth is when something big wanna happen for you and you tell someone who you think loves you and the person begins to envy you or emits a negative thought towards that thing often times it ends up not happening. That is why you'd always hear stay away from negative people.

Like I said follow the pattern that works for you... If you use to tell people things you wanna do before you do them and it flops then "TELL NO ONE" when you want to do something, or when there's a major thing happening in your life. Truth is when you tell them, you'd think they are happy for you, when it flops you'd think they feel bad or sorry it didn't but they happy.

Follow the pattern and "tell no one" let them see the achievement. It pays to live a private life, you don't have to tell everyone everything. Keep it to yourself, love you, do you, live your life and be happy. The only ones who can hurt you are the people closest to you.

If you feel like talking and wanna tell someone about what's happening in your life trust me God is a good listener and his intentions and thoughts for you is always of Good.

Love you.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Look at your Mate

How are you all doing? What's on your mind? You know this statement 'Look at your mate' has made people do things they wouldn't do naturally. I think it is time we do thing within the pace God has allowed us to be, there isn't any need to rush after all drops of water makes a river or ocean.

Never compare your self to anyone no mater what. You may be same age and he is successful, you may be older than her and she is married with kids, you may be twenty five (25) or above thirty  and be having your first degree it doesn't matter. Remember it isn't about how far but how well. That you are where you are doesn't mean no good will come out of your slow process.

Ladies do not let this statement 'Look at your mate' destroy you, don't go with another woman's man out of desperation, don't marry a man you don't love or want because you feel your biological clock is ticking. Pastor bolaji idowu of HICC would always say if your biological clock is ticking take out the battery. Never settle for less in anything be patient and your own will locate you stresslessly.

Gentlemen do not let the statement 'look at your mate' make you dip your hand in bad things, do not hurt a woman's emotion because you want her money,  yeah I know we wanna be rich and successful how about you work, learn a trade or something to make clean money, you don't even have to do Yahoo, fraud to be successful. I know a guy who graduated with first class he started life by working in a factory doing shifts just to make money and some other people who started with nothing. Start little and the sky will be your limit. Go and ask all the millionaires and billionaire they will tell you how long it took them to get to where they are now, they all started little don't be decieved there is nothing like quick money. Even  blood money isn't guaranteed plus you'd be given number of years to enjoy the money so what's the point.

How about you go through the process, make your money legally and morally and enjoy the fruit of your labour. Nobody is saying it will be easy, but it will be worth it and you'd have a story to tell that'd also help others.
Always be legit, moral and true to yourself. Do not let  the statement 'Look at your mate' make you loose your self or forget who you truely are.

 In everything let God come first.
God bless you.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Missing you, But stay Away

Hey you ever missed someone so badly but deep down you know all they bring is negativity, bad vibes, hurts, disappointment...... Oh well it's okay just don't let them close to you anymore so you won't give them to power to do same thing they keep doing to you.

And yeah it's ok, you'd be fine Las Las all you'd do is miss them but don't let them.back.into your life else you'd keep hurting.... In the first place I be wandering why you even missing such a person when all they do is cause you pain, then I realise that no matter how bad a person is or treats you they'd have a strength you'd never forget.

If they hurt you, disappoint you, look down on you, fight you, not support you.... Stay away from them .. it's okay to miss them and that's cause you love them and will always love them, keeping them far dont show weakness, it shows strength.

Your gonna be alright'.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Happy new year

Hey lovelies,

How yua all been? Hope you made the very best of your holiday? And you enjoyed every bit of it. You know we really do not need all the money in the world to be happy. One thing I realized is that it takes you and you alone to make your self happy.

I had and made the very best of this holiday, I used it in restrategizing, replanning, learning by books and internet and finding means to build my self not just for others but also for me and in all I didn't forget to involve God in all that I do as he is a very or should I say the very important, no importanter part of my life. Lol yeah.

Wishing you all a happy, prosperous and a favoured  new year.
Love you