Friday, 22 February 2019

Monologue On my eating habit

See me see wahala o. I posted an image on my status. A small plate of spaghetti o. Na him one of my friends on WhatsApp finish me. See below⬇️
Note: I have used a fictional name to protect the person's identity.

Bello: This woman. Only you coke, pizza, bread, ice cream... Indomie, suya ...eba, rice, spaghetti

Bello: So for now all these cabs dont find physical expression....?

Bello: Last last you jump a bus or two, treck a mile or two

Bello: Now you have delivery boys who deliver your goods

Bello: Until God blesses your hustle, you get a car, move to a new apartment

Bello: You dont go out too much except for fun

Bello: At first it is a chubby cheek then round ass, men are staring, your boobs are fuller boys are kicking stone committing lookrey

Bello: Then the stored cabs start to find expression

Bello: You think there is an incentive so you eat some more. One morning you wake up to a nasty bulge on your tommy

Bello: You have an unwanted pregnancy... but there is no baby

Bello: You think a fast will sort it, or an exercise here will trim it

Bello: Some mean guy makes jest of you and calls you fatty or biggy bele

Bello: You get livid. You tell your boyfriend because he asked how your day went

Bello: Then he says, "well baby,  pele dear, but you need to  watch your weight"

"What do you mean,am I fat?"  You become apprehensive he apologises..

You are depressed and you begin to get defensive as a means of coping...

We eventually become what we eat...

Orobor no be enjoyment

Me: πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ What's my crime now.. shey I should not eat again?πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

So whats the moral of this story?
The thing is, we should watch what we eat. Trust me, alot of ladies have lost their homes to slay mamas because they forgot how they looked before they got married, or should I say they got so relaxed and ate whatever passes simply because they feel they have completed their God given assignment to multiplyπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

What I don't even understand is how some bloat after given birth. Please ladies let's watch what we put in our mouth and also endeavor to workout.

Having a healthy and beautiful body comes with its own sacrifices.

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