I am not going to sugar coat the way churches or should I say the way pastors have choosen to run the house of the Lord. How will you say you want to do a program called "feed the poor" when poor people plenty for your church.
The church is not a charity organization yeh that's true I get that, but don't forget those people come into the house of the Lord beliving they would be met at the point of there need one way or the other. It is high time the church system changes and become the original plan of what God wants a church to be.
I am not against tithing, offerings and the likes what I am against is the church not using it's funds to help it's members. Truth is God don't come at night to pick all the money made in services from churches at night neither does he send his angels to come and take all the money, he doesn't need it, he owns all things, the heavens and the earth and everything therein belongs to him what then does churches do with the money?
Imagine members of a church trekking to church or Bible studies and when they seek help from church through their pastor, the pastors tells them to "Have Faith", Excuse you stop telling a hungry man it is well, give him food first before anything. Let us be real and honest I am tired of some eyeservice some churches do, they will organise programs where they will snap pictures of them in horrible and terrible places, make videos of how they go to the poorest places in Lagos to give them cloth and food where as their member is suffering, don't have food to eat or cloths to wear.
Annoyingly some are so angry with churches that instead of winning souls we are loosing souls. Some church members would rather prefer to ask an unbeliever or a random person for help instead of asking the church which is bad. We keep saying our government is the reason for high corruption rate and prostitution but I want to tell you the church has also played a great role in that.
Imagine this scenario a lady goes to her church pastor with financial issues that just one of the pastors can handle himself pleadings they help with her school fee and the church/pastor says have faith God is about to do something and they just pray with her and leaves, do you wanna tell me if a married man sees her on the road asked what the problem is, she tells him and he says he will give her, her school fee if she sleeps with him, do you think she wouldn't succumb or think about it? Most guys are now desperate, look at the pant thingy trending, jigolos everywhere. Churches and pastors should better stay woke.
It is breaking my heart that the place where some people come to find help and peace is where hatred, greed and politic is most displayed.
God help us.