Tuesday 24 April 2018

I used her/him

Hello peeps .. yeah i know its been a while lmao i have been a lazy youth heheheheheheh bubu wee not kee me. Ok on a very serious note it irritates me when i hear guys counting chicks they have slept with like it is an achievement when their mates are counting millions or positive achievements that has helped or is helping grow Nigeria as a nation.

So one of my little girl cried to me with a munched shot of the boyfriends conversation with an old male friend of hers shes been doing shakara for.. Ladies you know that feeling it is so heart breaking, the more i read that chat the more i was irritated.

Now lets be real as much as i am not a fan of sex before marriage once you sleep with anyone you not married to, you both using yourselves. In fact not only only are you using yourselves you become equal, so i say this to all of the guys and ladies who think they smart and they shaprapra when you sleep with some one you automatically become their equal and no one is using anyone you both using yourselves so i would advice you use your time, energy, resources and emotions wisely.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

I don't know you!

Hey sorry peeps I've  been inconsistent alot been going on,  I know you all missed me. Ok so we gonna ask this...  Would you  wanna still be friends with an ex who prolly hurt you? I kinda saw an ex ermm he really didn't hurt me,  I said I wasn't gonna do sex  in the relationship he agreed and a month into the "relationship" I visited unannounced and I saw brother giving it to another from the back.... So I ended it.

As I was saying I saw him with some colleague and walked pass I guess he was having lunch at ICM and he called my name outta excitement I guess..
Him: hey golden
Me: ermmm sorry have we met
Him: (shocked) ...  Golden it is Smart
Me: (looking confused) errrmn smmmaaarrrtt sorry the name don't ring no bell...  I guess I look like some one you know..
I said hi to his colleagues eating and walked away....

When I got to the movie section of ICM got my ticket the thought got me laughing like Omg...  It isn't like I hold any grudge or so I don't even have exes all I've got are few examples that shouldn't repeat itself...  Lmao

I ask again would you wanna be friends with someone who hurt you emotionally?